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Showing posts from February, 2013

6 Weeks...

The puppies are six weeks old!  (Sorry this post is a few days late, we were unusually busy on Saturday, as Star's owner visited (we (and the puppies) enjoyed meeting you Ms. M!) and later a family from our church also brought their bull over to breed Blossom, and then stayed for dinner.) The puppies are all doing very well.  They are extremely playful now, and greatly enjoying their new toys (thank you Ms. M!)  Fragoso is catching up to them in size (finally).  In fact, he's as big as Angel, and almost as big as Selah.  He eats more than any of the others- making up for lost time I suppose.  :)  We came up with a theory regarding his size, which seems logical because he has always seemed a few days behind the others.  Dogs can sometimes have different conception dates for different puppies, and it appears that he was conceived about a week after the others, so in effect, while they were full-term when they were born, he was a week early. ...

5 Weeks Old...

First, I have a quick correction to make:  on my last post I said that the puppies were 5 weeks old.  They were actually 4 weeks, today they turned 5 weeks.  With how busy we've been lately my brain has been going in about ten different directions, and I somehow got mixed up about their age.  So, here is their real 5 week update! I did take a video of the puppies this morning, but it's not very good as I was my own camera lady, using the front facing camera on my tablet- so it's kind of shaky and needed some heavy editing.  It also makes my voice sound strange, and you can see our messy shed in the background (the reason it's so messy is because we don't currently have a barn, so a lot of our stuff that would normally be in the barn is sitting around by the shed).  But, knowing how I would enjoy a video update (even a bad one) if I was getting a puppy, I thought that you all might enjoy one too.  Anyway, for what it's worth, here it is. (M...

4 Weeks Old...

The puppies are 4 weeks old today.  They are all doing very well, even Fragoso, though he does still have that persistent runny nose.  It's getting less though, and he's gaining weight. They passed a few milestones this week:   1:  They are eating solid food now! They all love their meals, especially Fragoso.

A Long- delayed Puppy Update (And Pick-up Info)

Well, last Tuesday w was the big day-  we moved all our animals from the old place in Pierson to the new place in Bronson.  It was an interesting trip-  cows, goats and my sheep in the trailer behind, and birds, fish, Inez and the puppies in the van, besides all 12 of us.  The puppies, especially Jaxon, whined and squealed almost the whole way to Bronson.  (I think the main reason is that Jaxon, who is the largest, is a bit of a whiner, and he was crawling all over the others and squishing them, so they all squealed too.)   I would occasionally pick one up and hold it for a while before returning it to the box, but they all made even more of a fuss whenever I did, so I stopped.  Inez hates riding in the car, so we took her in a wire kennel, which she hated at first, but  she got over her initial nervousness and eventually laid down and took the rest of the trip calmly.