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Showing posts from April, 2016

Announcing: Chicken Scraps Newsletter!

For some time now, I have toyed with the idea of creating a farm newsletter.  A friend sends one out every week, and I am always inspired by reading it, even though much of it is filled with everyday details of life on the farm.  A recipe here and there; a reference to a new project you can see on their website; how many chicks their heritage breed turkeys hatched this spring; the number of meat chickens they have for sale, and expected butchering dates; all these combine with her funny stories, and diary of what they did every day of the last week to make a fun, and instructive newsletter. Finally, I decided to take the plunge and try writing my own.  After blogging for several years now, it shouldn’t be too hard.  Mine will be different, and I plan to send it out once a month instead of weekly, but I expect this to be a fun way to keep up with my readers.  Keep an eye out too for coupons to my online store that will be exclusively available through this ne...

Our A2/A2 Bull

Over the last few years, I have been hearing more and more about A2/A2 cattle, and the health benefits of the milk, but I always kind of passed it over as rather silly; I mean, seriously, how can a genetic difference in the cow make a difference in how healthy the milk is?  I also did not like that the company who tests cattle for this gene was also the one doing the research.  But then recently, some friends who run an excellent natural farm in Lake City have started talking about it.  Apparently, a customer interested in buying a heifer asked if any of their cows were A2/A2, and when they tested, they discovered that 5 out of 6 of their cows were. Now, the interesting thing about this, is that quite a few people who have reactions to cow's milk, even raw cow's milk, have told them that they can drink milk from their cows with no problems.  I always assumed that this was because of the high level of cleanliness, and the good quality grass/ minerals they f...