For some time now, I have toyed with the idea of creating a farm newsletter. A friend sends one out every week, and I am always inspired by reading it, even though much of it is filled with everyday details of life on the farm. A recipe here and there; a reference to a new project you can see on their website; how many chicks their heritage breed turkeys hatched this spring; the number of meat chickens they have for sale, and expected butchering dates; all these combine with her funny stories, and diary of what they did every day of the last week to make a fun, and instructive newsletter. Finally, I decided to take the plunge and try writing my own. After blogging for several years now, it shouldn’t be too hard. Mine will be different, and I plan to send it out once a month instead of weekly, but I expect this to be a fun way to keep up with my readers. Keep an eye out too for coupons to my online store that will be exclusively available through this ne...