I recently purchased my neighbor's herd of 10 Kiko, Boer, and Boer/ Kiko goats. I also have Honeysuckle and Mabel's twin doelings for sale.
Goats available:
Chester: 3 year-old proven Boer buck. Weighs approx. 300 lbs, produces great kids.
Honeysuckle: Nubian/ Boer, healthy, good udder, friendly, etc.
Hildagard and Rosalind: Twin Boer/ Nubian doelings. One available now as bottle baby, one held with deposit until mid/ late July.
Sage and Thyme: 2 mature Kiko does. Healthy, probably bred to Chester. Produce nice babies.
Clyde, Edmund, and Herbert: 3 Kiko/ Boer bucklings, sons of Chester and Thyme. Born late Jan. Eating well, heavy, good conformation.
Parsley, Fennel, Marjoram, Peppermint: 4 Kiko/ Boer doelings. Born late Jan. Eating well, heavy, healthy, good udders, etc.
For more details, please visit this page on our new website: Available Animals For Sale
If you are interested in purchasing a goat, please visit the website page for contact info.
Thank you!
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