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6 Month Puppy Report Card (2013 Great Labenees litter)

     Over the last week I have been contacting the owners of the puppies from our most recent litter.  All the puppies seem to be doing quite well.  Unfortunately, Bosco did have to move to a new home, through no fault of his own.  (Youngest child in his original family was terrified of him.  It was not because he was an unusually rambunctious puppy, she was just a bit timid.)  Apparently though he is happy and well with his new family on several acres.  Here is what the owners of the other five puppies have said:


(In response to my inquiry how Jaxon is doing, what commands he knows, and their favorite part of having him):

"He is doing great!  He knows the commands, sit , paw and down. We love that he bring the kids so much happiness.  They love him and he's so good with them. :)"

(Soon after coming home.)
(A few months later.)

I love the size contrast!
 Current photos, as of a few days ago.


Angel has an interesting story regarding how she came to her family.  She was "pending" two different times during the same day when she was about 4 days old.  Both people changed their minds one after the other.  Meanwhile, I was contacted by the C. family, who had just lost a dog of the exact same breed, the day Angel was born in a freak accident.  After corresponding with them for a little while, and finding out that the person who had wanted her was no longer able to get her, they sent me a deposit, and picked her up at 9 weeks old.  She is now happily installed as a member of their family.  The way the Lord brought her to them is truly amazing!

Here is the email I received in answer to mine a few days ago:

"Hi Alayna,
Attached is a picture of Angel about six weeks ago. We love her soooo much. She has completed our family again. You were right...she is very affectionate and very well behaved. Thank you so much again for taking such good care of her and bringing her into our lives."

Apparently she thinks she is a cat.  :)


 When I emailed Ms. M. asking how Star is doing, I was surprised and delighted when she wrote back a whole page.  I decided to publish the whole thing because it is so much fun to read, and is a great portrayal of Star.

Star Light Star Bright

Star is six months old now. She weighs 50 lbs and stands 27 inches high. She’s funny, pensive, loving and mischievous. She loves the company of other dogs and going to day care and the dog park. Dogs that come across aggressively puzzle her but she has no fear. She ignores them.  She has always slept through the night and likes nice long naps to rest up from all the playtime and walks. She has all the playfulness and energy of the Lab and the caution and reserve of the Pyrenees. If Star ruled the world everything would happen on time. She is steadfast in routine and when there is a transition to change it generally requires a conversation and some serious coaxing. She is very good about following directives away from home but at home she feels entitled to do her own thing. If she is on self-appointed property patrol and I call she may just give me a look that’s says, “not right now, can’t you see I am busy here”.  She has a great big bark that she uses sparingly and she is a super fast runner.
She loves her toys and they must squeak. Chewing continues to be one of her favorite things and she is provided with a lot of chewable items to keep her busy. The joy she gets from an marrowbone is unsurpassed. She only chews on the forbidden when she is wanting my attention or wanting to tease me into play, and a little spritz of vinegar on a chair leg can send her walking off in huff. But nothing is off limits outdoors. Everything offers the possibility of a good chew. If a dog can have a sense of humor she has one.  If she scores a flower pot, she will grab it in her mouth and carry it across the yard across the yard with her chin pointed straight up prancing like a horse. Sometimes she will want to show off this move and sometimes she is a flash outside the window as she searches for a secluded spot where she can settle in for a good chew. She loves the water and took her first jump into a swimming pool the other day that both thrilled and surprised her.
She is a good eater and about the only thing she refuses is anything tart like citrus. Her current favorite treats are apples, watermelon (no seeds of course) and frozen banana whipped up with a little plain yogurt.  She has developed a fondness for air conditioning, now that summer has arrived, and she limits her outdoor time to early morning and evenings unless it’s playtime with other dogs. It’s never too hot for that. She loves people too and knows not to jump on them even though she wants to very, very much.
Star is not a fan of mundane training. She has her independent streak and presents a “what’s in it for me” when she views commands as requirements to “perform”. At the same time she is very patient and waits without protest, never wakes me in the morning and lies quietly by my side if I am having a conversation with another human. She quietly endures her bath, and waits patiently for her food and never begs when humans are eating.
Star watching "The Incredible Dog Challenge" on TV. She prefers the agility trials over the diving.
Star is my companion and friend. We play together, watch TV together, and keep each other company. I could not imagine life without her.


Here is what Selah's owner says: 

"So good to hear from you. Ms. Selah is somewhat stubborn but she is just a puppy still.  Selah knows speak, sit, stop and no (sometimes), give/which is a toy command. She is so big and gangly and when she comes inside after being out she knocks over the cats or they run like crazy.  She is full of life and we bought her a pool. She must have more of her mom's blood because she really doesn't like the water much. I throw her treats in the pool and when they sink I tell her go get them. She puts her head under the water and blows bubbles while trying to get her treats. It is really funny to watch."
"She is a real joy but very stubborn. I use treats to get her attention then repeat the command over and over again...  I need to get my camera right so I can get  a picture. She looks more like her mom long snout and really tall.  Selah's energy is so beyond high, she will go after a ball 100s of times. I bought her a small pool, she doesn't go in on her own so I throw a few treats or a toy and she will put her head under water and blow bubbles...  I am so very happy we met and I absolutely love Selah. Thank you so much, take care."

I'm not surprised that she is stubborn, as this is a Great Pyrenees trait.  These dogs were bred for hundreds of years to live by themselves with the sheep.  Unlike Border Collies, or other breeds of dogs that work closely with their masters, GP's had to figure out what was the best course to pursue and make their own decisions, without human aid.  Because of this, they can be very independent and sometimes difficult to train if they decide that what you're asking them to do isn't a good idea.


Charlie is also doing well.  Here are some photos of him:

In response to my email:
" Hi!!  He is doing awesome!  Here's a pic of him and Logan.  

Thank you for caring so much about him.  He is a love!"

I am so happy and thankful that the puppies are all doing well.  We are planning to breed Inez again this fall to another Pyrenees, for our first litter of full-blooded Great Pyrenees.  Depending on how well this litter turns out, we may or may not breed her again in the future.  We will see.


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